Games Made Open 2025
It’s That Time Again!
On Sunday June 15, 2025 the TTLMakerspace will be hosting our second annual day-long event “Games Made Open”. It’s a celebration of the vast creativity in gaming and the power of play, and an introduction to the incredible free open-source tools anyone can use right now.
Jump Into Open Source!
It is a full day event with workshops and fun things to do, all based on free open-source tech you can use right now. Maybe you’ve heard of tools like Blender or Godot and wondered where to get started. Or hardware is your thing and you’d like an intro to CAD modelling in FOSS, or electronics that let you make your own controller. It’s all here!
Take a look at the growing lineup:

Ready, Set, Godot!
Speedrun making your first game in the popular Godot game engine! From zero you’l hit the gas and take a guided tour through the features of this incredible software, emerging at the end with your first game – made entirely in open-source!

GBStudio Cart Workshop!
Holy cow – you can make your very own working Gameboy cartridge in GBStudio! From start to finish, you’ll learn how to use this awesome software to fulfil your gamer dreams of making your very own working physical cartridge.
Find the registration link here:

Intro to Blender
Have you wanted to try out the number one 3D Modelling tool for creators but didn’t know where to start. Blender is powerful – get a tour of the options and see how you can include this in your workflow for your next game.
Find the registration link here:

NextGen Showcase
Come out in the evening to get hands-on with games made by local emerging developers. This is your chance to play games and talk to the people that make them, while enjoying a curated selection of outstanding titles.
Find the registration link here:

Play the Mini Arcade!
This year, we’ll also be showcasing what we’ve made!
Designed in open-source CAD and produced entirely at TTLMakerspace, the mini-arcades are a fun example of what is possible. Come and try them out! Learn about the hardware and software involved, and even play games made right in the makerspace in our popular Game Development program!
They will be available for sale in our store and available to play at our event.

Play The Mini-Arcade
Enjoy the custom-made mini-arcade featuring Pico8 and Godot games!
Schedule: All Day
Cartoons ‘n Cereal
Get here early and and plan your day with some sugary goodness and cartoons!
Schedule: All Day
Stickers ‘n Buttons
Custom-made memorabilia for your awesome time at TTLMakerspace!
Schedule: All Day
Want to Support Us?
We host this event every year and provide food and drinks to the public for free.
Many people do not know that we do not receive funding and that we sustain ourselves on memberships alone. If you’ve attended this event in the past, you know how much love we pour into this event to make it as fun and festive as possible!
If you would like to help us pay for the food and drinks for this event, please consider donating to our Canada Helps page! We are a registered charity and your donation is tax deductible! See our Canada Helps page below!