Featured training
We provide comprehensive training
Traditional Woodworking
Hand tools, joinery, dressing material, building with wood and wood theory.
Wood Milling
Using power tools, including table saw, jointer, planer and more.
CNC Design
Designing with open-source CAD software, parametric design.
3D Modelling and Print
Digital CAM for machining, using open-source software
Design For Laser
Vector drawing, design work, optimising for fabrication
Tool Basics
Familiarity with a wide variety of tools for home use, renovations.
Our students learn by making.
Photo gallery
Our latest projects by students

We Provide Inspiring Training For You
Doing it on your own can be hard. We put hundreds of hours into research to make comprehensive training options that can help you get past the tough parts of your maker journey. Get a jump-start, then join our community to continue to being the maker you want to be.